Back To Whitehorse

1008 August 11, 2023 Back To Whitehorse

The day started nicely enough.  It was a beautiful morning for a walk in a great park.  I walked to Marsh Lake.

We planned to do more driving today.  The Alcan was in good condition and we were making good time. 

We crossed the Teslin River.

Shortly after that, the RV check engine light came on.  Tim pulled into a rest area and checked the oil.  Everything looked ok.  The engine temperature was normal. 

We made it to the town of Teslin.  Attached to the gas station was a small garage.  The guy there was a mechanic whose responsibility it was to take care of all the trucks and equipment being utilized to build the new bridge.  He was gracious enough to come out to the RV and plug his computer in to check the codes.  It was the exhaust system.  It was showing a moderately severe leak.  This guy wasn’t able to help us.  He did advise that Fort St. John would be a good place to get service.  That was about 700 miles away.  We knew that earlier in the trip when we had a problem with the exhaust system, the rig began derating.  We were concerned that this would begin to happen before we could travel another 700 miles.  Our only other option was to return to Whitehorse.  It was 90 miles back to town.  We called New North Truck and Equipment, a Cummins Certified Shop, and the old man that answered the phone told us to come on back and they would take good care of us and get us back on the road again.

We turned back and fervently hoped that we could make it back to Whitehorse on our own power.  We were grateful when we finally pulled in at New North.  Unfortunately, when we arrived, the owner we talked to earlier was gone.  John was there.  John said that he couldn’t possibly help us until at least Monday.  He gave us another shop to try.  Inland Truck was great.  They helped us to get the codes and printed out the information we needed but they could not help us for two weeks.  

We spent the next two hours driving from one shop to another trying to find someone who could help us.  In the end, we called John at New North.  He agreed that he would see us Monday morning at 8:30. 

It was after 5pm on a Friday evening.  We found an RV site at Hi Country for the weekend.  

We were tired and frustrated.  One good thing is that this is fixable.  Another good thing is that this did not happen while Kyle and Allison were here. So, we will wait until Monday and see what our next options are.  In the meantime, we will make the best of being here.  We have never explored the area.  Usually, we have used the resources here to resupply.  We will see what we can find to do!