
989 July 18, 2023 Glenallen

We had some sprinkles last night that chased us into the tent early. No matter, I had the Mary Carey book to read! Then, the rain stopped and it was so silent!

There were road crews working nearby yesterday in the evening. They stored their equipment at the beginning of the trailhead.

This morning we had mostly cloudy skies. This is as near as a sunrise picture as we get. The sun actually rose at 4:30 this morning.

Some last pictures of the mountains.

We went back the 16 miles to Tangle Lakes Campground and unpacked our gear and reorganized. Then, we got the RV ready to go. We need a full service campground tonight. The tanks are both empty and full. The hamper was full. I had days of blogs that needed to be loaded and published. We turned onto Richardson Highway. Much of our drive was heavily forested with some pretty ponds and lakes. We traveled through the foothills of the Alaska Range to Glenallen.

Once again, we had to wait for a pilot car to take us through an area of road construction. Yikes…yes this is the road…

It was in this section that we had to go through a soft spot. We were going uphill so Tim knew he shouldn’t stop. We could hear crashing behind us. The fridge door had opened and contents had spilled out. I was able to shove stuff back in. Thankfully, nothing was broken and the refrigerator latch was still intact. There was a very large container of grape tomatoes…everywhere! We stopped at the next turnout to get things put away correctly and then we were on our way again.

We were able to get fuel in both vehicles. We stayed at Northern Nights Campground. We spent the afternoon checking things off the list. Lee and Claudia were only 15 miles away. They arrived this evening with pronghorn tenderloin, new baby potatoes, a wonderful salad, and a bottle of wine. We feasted and chatted and the lovely evening passed quickly. What a treat to have visitors! Thanks to both of you for all of your generous hospitality!

We hope tomorrow to travel to Nabesna Road where we plan to have another adventure. We understand that the weather might be uncooperative and so we will modify our tentative plans accordingly!