Off To Anchorage

968 June 27, 2023 Off To Anchorage

Claudia and I took a walk to Copper Center.  It was so nice to have a walking partner.  The time passed quickly and before I knew it, we were back at the campground. 

The competition across the river.

We all had our morning coffee out by the river as a bald eagle flew overhead.

We said our goodbyes and we were once again on our way. 

We have a transmission oil filter light on and the RV is due for an oil change.  The Cummins Dealer in Anchorage was able to get us in tomorrow.  Today was all about the drive from Copper Center to Anchorage.

We passed the Tazlina Glacier.

We stopped at Buffalo Lake.

We stopped again at Eureka Summit at 3,322 feet.  The vistas are outstanding.

The Chugach Mountains and the Nelchina Glacier…breathtaking!

The highway ran alongside the Matanuska River.  We will come back here when the kids visit and explore some more.

We stopped for fuel in Palmer where diesel was $3.69 per gallon…woohoo!  Then, we shopped at Walmart in Wasilla for stuff we haven’t been able to get anywhere else.  We arrived at Camp Cummins in late afternoon. 

We have a list of things to accomplish tomorrow while the RV is being serviced.  Not really sure yet where we are headed next!

2 thoughts on “Off To Anchorage

  1. Don says you should look up Matt Failor, 17th-Dog Kennel in the Wasilla area. He and his wife run Alaskan Husky Adventures. Matt is a Mansfield boy and was one of Don’s scouts. Sure wish we could make one more trip up there. Enjoy for us! 💞

    1. Oh…we are already past Wasilla…wish we had known!
      Love to you both today and each day <3

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