Alaska Highway

958 June 16, 2023 Alaska Highway

My walk consisted of laps around the adjacent parking lots.  I stopped at Walmart and got milk and I also stopped at Tim Horton’s for coffee.

The farmland and gently rolling hills of yesterday were replaced by dense forests of tall pines.  The sawmill in Whitecourt was busy with tractor trailers hauling loads of long logs.

Route 43 out of town is also known as “Moose Row.”  We did see a bunch of deer way too close to the highway…but no moose yet!

We traveled through Valleyview and Grand Prairie where as the names suggest, the vistas were wide open.  The road was really rough and bumpy and Tim drove straddling the white line as the truck drivers ahead were doing. 

The sky was heavy with clouds and by the time we got to Grand Prairie, it was raining.  It was unfortunate because there were lots of nice trails and parks that we might have enjoyed.  We parked at the Visitor Center and took a break.  Tim went for a walk and I took a nap! 

43 west toward Dawson Creek was a smoother road and we began to see some bits of blue sky. 

We stopped at the Visitor Center at the beginning of the Alaska Highway.  Alaska is 1,023 miles from here.

The town of Beaverlodge is “A place to build dreams!”

We passed an elk farm.

We decided to stay at Peace Island Park tonight.  We needed a full hookup site after dry camping the last two.  Load two of laundry is already in progress.  Tim took his bike to explore.  I took a walk in the park.  It was windy but mild. After dinner we took the Jeep and sat down by the river and then we went exploring.

2 thoughts on “Alaska Highway

  1. Had our picture taken under that same sign. Hard to believe it has been over 11 years ago.

    1. We are thinking of you and your journey each and every day. We are keeping you close in our hearts and our thoughts and our prayers 🥰

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