Time With Family And Friends

949 April 18 – June 7, 2023

We flew from Las Vegas to Atlanta on April 18th. We arrived at David’s house at 2:30 in the morning. It took a day or two to adjust to the time difference but it took no time at all to feel loved and welcomed. The children woke up the next morning and were thrilled to have us there. The next four weeks were filled with lots of crazy fun! We played and played. We played board games and made up games and Lovey World and doctors and Wild Kratts. We read and we painted and we played outside. We went to swimming lessons and the boys are motoring in the water now. We baked and we cooked. We worked on lots of Lego projects. Both boys are truly Lego Masters now! We went to a Braves game and celebrated Austin’s fifth birthday on the same weekend. Andrea and I took the boys to see Mario Brothers at the theater, and we went to the Lego Discovery Center. She and I also took them for a walk at the creek. The boys played in their small pool and did the water slide. They threw water balloons and chased us with Super Soakers. The boys are sweet and smart and kind. They are good brothers…most of the time. On the weekends we had sleepovers in Oliver’s room.

Tim and I did a few house projects. We painted the perimeter fence and David helped when he could. The visit was busy and the time passed quickly.

On May 16th, we flew to Baltimore. We stayed with Kyle and Allison and we were at home there as well. It was so nice to spend time together. I really wish that I had taken more pictures!

We got to visit with mom several times and she and I had a sleepover too!

We helped with flower beds and mulching and mowing. Kyle and Tim and I planted a vegetable garden. Everything was pushing up through the soil before we left.

We got our labwork, dental appointments, and physicals.

Kyle and Allison went to Annapolis for their first anniversay and we took care of the animals. Daisy decided she wanted to sleep with us!

While we were home, we also had an amazing time catching up with friends. The three weeks were over too soon!

On June 6th we flew back to Las Vegas. We collected the RV and Jeep from storage. We used Wednesday for gathering supplies.

I enjoyed an early birthday dinner.

Tomorrow, we begin our journey to Alaska!