
946 April 10, 2023 Skywalk

I walked laps around the humongous asphalt parking lot.

We packed up the RV and drove it and the Jeep to the Welcome Center.  We got there right at 8am.  We were the first on the shuttle to Eagle Point.

The view from the parking lot.

The Skywalk was finished in 2007.  It extends over the edge of the canyon 70 feet.  You can look down through the glass to the canyon floor 4,000 feet below. 

We were the first to store our belongings and put on our canvas booties.  You cannot take cameras or cell phones or personal belongings of any kind out onto the Skywalk.  There was a little wind and Tim took his hat back inside. 

We were out on the Skywalk all by ourselves.  What a gift!!!   No distractions of taking the perfect pictures…just being in that moment and appreciating the view.  It was really very humbling.  Another reminder that each of us is just a speck.  The layers of rock represent time…eons…

After about 20 minutes, a photographer offered to take pictures, which we declined.  We stood with him for a short time, chatting.  We said that we were grateful to have the experience of being on the Skywalk by ourselves.  He proceeded to tell us stories of the 2 visitors yesterday who vomited on the glass.  He also told us that people often stand at the entrance, screaming with fear.  I felt no trepidation or anxiety.  I did feel powerful awe!

We wandered through the Indian Village.

We pulled away from Grand Canyon West and enjoyed a beautiful ride to Nevada. 

As we got close, we saw more snow-covered peaks.  It was 85 degrees down where we were!

We passed over Hoover Dam.  This was the best picture I could get!

We were able to find a no hookup site at Lake Mead Recreation Area at Boulder Beach.  We passed a quiet afternoon mostly because I felt awful!  Whatever Tim had; he was generous enough to share with me! 

Tim offered to take me to dinner at the marina…but I wasn’t feeling it. He did convince me to ride down to the lake as the sun was setting.

We spent most of the winter in Arizona and Southern California.  We had hoped that because we are flying home and we were staying here for several extra weeks, that we might get to Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Park and Bishop and Yosemite and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  Because of weather all of the national parks have had extremely delayed openings.  There was just too much snow.  This forced us to slow down, to change our plans, and allowed us to see things that we might otherwise have missed.  It wasn’t a bad thing…just different than we had hoped.