Grand Canyon West

945 April 9, 2023 Grand Canyon West

Last night we had hoped to go out to the overlook to watch the sunset.  The sky was so cloudy that we decided not to go.  Tim looked out at about 7:15 and saw red sky.  We hopped into the Jeep and drove to see the end of our day.  It was one of the best sunsets of this trip!

This morning, I walked in the neighborhood.  I saw this jackrabbit and several more as I went.

The Grand Wash Cliffs were the backdrop for the town of Meadview.

We traveled today in the RV to Grand Canyon West.  We parked the RV in a dry camping lot outside the entrance.

This afternoon, we took the Jeep to the Visitor Center and boarded a shuttle.  We are saving Skywalk for tomorrow.  Today, we went to Guano Point.  The views of the western portion of the Grand Canyon are spectacular. 

We sat for a long time just looking.  The pictures don’t show the majesty and grandeur and colors, nor do the reflect how it made me feel.  On this Easter Sunday, this place was my sanctuary.  It was a place to reflect and be grateful.  My heart felt full.  You cannot appreciate the immensity and beauty without being present.  The improbability that a combination of weather and water and rock colluded to create this masterpiece is unfathomable. 

We walked and climbed and sat again to just look.

I know there are reviews that say that this place is a waste of money and time.  I did not feel that way.  The tours are run by the Hualapai Tribe and it is expensive to come.  We have been to the South Rim and the North Rim and we hadn’t seen this part.  I am glad we came, this is someplace special.  We think that being surrounded by nature is good for our health, our relationship, and we know that we are making lasting memories.

Helicopter rides in the canyon.

We got back to the Jeep and then took the short ride to Hualapai Point.  I was not interested in the zipline over the canyon but there was a hiking trail.  We saw 3 pronghorns grazing and then, alert to our presence they ran.

Brussel sprouts and grilled salmon for our meal.

We watched the sunset and we are happy.

We stepped outside before bedtime to gaze at the night sky. Trillions of stars scattered like diamond dust…breathtaking.