Gregg’s Hideout

944 April 7-8, 2023 Gregg’s Hideout

I had a great walk up the hill. I walked to the scenic overlook and down Pierce Ferry Road.

The Joshua trees are blooming.

We packed the Jeep for an overnight camping trip. We had found a possible spot near the airstrip but we were feeling adventrous and decided to check out Gregg’s Hideout. There were two ways to get there. The first, was the long way around on the paved road. The second, was 4WD roads that wiggled across the desert and through the mountains. You know that we chose the rough ride!

There was a very steep switchback and after that, the road was really rocky. We got to a portion with a rock obstacle. Tim evaluated and knew that we could get over it. He had me spot him at the bottom. The Jeep made it handily and on we went.

We followed the route on Tim’s Ride Command app. We turned onto Gregg’s Hideout Road and we found that a grader had recently been through and the road was more or less smooth for the rest of our journey.

As we rounded the last bend, Lake Mead came into view surrounded by cliffs and mountains.

We traveled past the primitive campground and onto a elevated penninsula. It was here that we made our home for the night.

The sky and the lake were gorgeous.

We both took walks.

We saw a lizard.

There were a few birds and this raven sat on the rock for awhile.

Tim’s video.

We ate our picnic dinner and then the sun went down.

As we lay down to sleep, we could hear a burro in the distance wishing us a good night.

Tim had a rough night. Either pollen or dust or probably a combination of the two aggravated his allergies.

This morning dawned sunny and mild. Tim rose early and I was going to roll over and sleep some more…but I heard someone telling Tim good morning. I peeked out and saw a man and his son walking to the water with their fishing gear. Up to that point, we hadn’t seen a single soul since we left town yesterday.

The ride out was just as pretty. We did take the main thoroughfare back to the campground.

The rest of the day was for laundry and blogging and chores and rest!