Our Big Backyard

935 March 27, 2023 Our Big Backyard

I did laps in the campground for my morning walk. 

We chose to postpone our overnight trip until tomorrow.  The weather will be better, warmer and less windy!

We went into the town of Bouse to check things out.  We were able to find a place for fresh drinking water.  There is a gas station and a really nice market.  There is a Family Dollar store.  There is a hotel with a saloon.  I think there is also a town museum. 

This afternoon, we took a Jeep ride.  There is a trail that starts right here at the RV park.

We meandered for miles into the desert on BLM land. 

There were gates to be opened and then closed again as we went.

There were several places where Tim got out to evaluate whether or not we should proceed but it was all fine…until it wasn’t.  There was a steep downhill section that had washed out.  It was humped and dippy to a pretty significant degree.  I walked along the wash looking for a different way in but didn’t find anything.  When I got back, Tim had the shovel out and he was digging.  He used a claw hammer to smooth down a bigger rock and we tossed dozens of rocks into to bottom to level it out.  Our labors were successful and we passed easily. 

There were other 4WD vehicles out and enjoying the beautiful day.

We finally made it back to pavement and Tim decided to drive into Quartzsite.  We parked the car and wandered among a few of the swap meet type tents.  This is the most eclectic collection of jumbled stuff we have ever seen!  In the end, we found nothing that we needed!