Stock Car Racing

933 March 25, 2023 Stock Car Racing

We spent a quiet day, walking in the campground, catching up the blog, and doing a few chores.  I went into Parker to gather a few supplies.  We are moving tomorrow and we need to take everything we need.

This evening, we went back to Lake Havasu City.  We went to the Speedway for stock car racing.  It was a great facility.  The announcer was entertaining and the various heats moved quickly without lengthy waits. 

The grand finale was fireworks, a pleasant way to end the day.

Tomorrow we are moving to the small town of Bouse. We aren’t sure what we will find there! Not sure if we will have service but we will post when we do!

1 thought on “Stock Car Racing

  1. Not much in Bouse. Will be curious to know what you find of interest. It’s on our route to San Jose!

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