Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge

931 March 22, 2023 Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge

Last night the sun finally broke through making us hopeful for the day ahead.

It was chilly but sunny this morning as I walked loops in the campground. 

We went for a ride to the Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge.  This was such a pretty place.

Long before we got to the end of the road we could hear and see the rushing water.  There was a water authority officer sitting in his truck.  He told us that Alamo Lake had been released yesterday and that the water here would continue to flow for several days.  The road was closed.  It was disappointing that our exploring came to such an abrupt end.  The system of dams and levees is certainly being challenged with this huge influx of moisture.  Snowmelt will also be an issue in the coming weeks.


Buckhorn cholla.

The ride out was just a nice.

This afternoon I rode my bike, again loops in the campground.  The main road is too busy for walking or biking.

This evening we took a walk as the sun was going down.