
930 March 21, 2023 Coddiwomple

The atmospheric river that is sitting off the west coast has brought havoc.  Most of the state of California had been in a state of significant drought.  The recent rains have improved that situation.  This bounty of precipitation also brings floods, mudslides, rock slides, power outages, and downed trees.  We have been spared all that because we have moved.  We are only 3 ½ hours from Borrego Springs; creeping along and again in a holding pattern and deciding how long to stay.  If we didn’t have plane reservations for April, we might have already gone east!

The rain started here early this morning and was steady until lunchtime.  Tim walked in the rain, carrying an umbrella.  I was not that loyal and I waited until the rain stopped before I went out.

This afternoon, we took a Jeep ride.  We went across the Parker Dam.

We explored the backcountry road on the California side.

The skies were dramatic and threatening and the mountain scenery was stunning.

As we headed back to the main road, I spotted a group of four burros.  We stopped to take pictures. 

A mom headed toward us, her foal following closely, trying to nurse.

The burros did not appear to be afraid and continued to approach.  It was time for us to leave.

We decided to travel along the California side of the river back toward Parker. 

We crossed back into Arizona.  The rain began again as we arrived home.  We were glad to get outside and grab the best of the day.

We found this quote online today. Coddiwomple is an Irish word and it describes what we do quite accurately!