Wedge Hill Trail

929 March 20, 2023 Wedge Hill Trail

I took an easy walk in the campground, taking a few pictures as I went.

Crimson bottlebrush tree.

False bombardier beetle.

Cactus garden.

Tim and I both hiked the Wedge Hill Trail from the campground to the top of the ridge. 

Can you see the blue bench on top?  That was the goal.

The beavertail cacti have blossoms.

The yellow sundrops are blooming and the hillsides were covered.

Along the trail.

The view of the river from above.

We made it to the top…it wasn’t that hard.

Bufflehead ducks.

This afternoon we went into Lake Havasu City.  We accomplished several missions.  First, we went to the BLM Field Office.  The guy there was able to help us download Avenza Maps, an app that has detailed maps of all the 4WD trails on all of the BLM land in 12 western states.  I really like having hard maps as well but now there are fees to buy them so we will try this!

Second, we went to the bike shop and Tim was able to get his bike tire repaired.  We also bought a couple of extra tubes!

Our third successful mission was to order a new side step for the Jeep.  We will go back later this week to get it.

A bumper sticker today. We are looking forward to our trip this summer!

We are watching the weather and it looks like there is more messy stuff coming. Happy Spring!