Rockhouse Canyon

918 March 7, 2023 Rockhouse Canyon

I had so much laundry to do that I decided to go to the laundromat in lieu of using our machine.  I wanted to get it all done as quickly as I could so that we could still have playtime on our last day.  I tried walking between switching clothes but didn’t get a very good walk done…sometimes multitasking is not effective!

I went back to the grocery to get fresh water.  Tim had gone for a walk along the ridge. I saw movement and pulled over to take a closer look.  I used the zoom on the camera and found him. He was at an elevation of 1,110, 360 feet above the town.

I went to fill the car with gas and saw 10 jumpers floating down to the desert floor.

This afternoon, we took a Jeep ride in Rockhouse Canyon.  The weather was finally perfect.  The scenery still beautiful to us even after all these weeks.

We saw an abandoned stone shack and almost passed by.  We saw a sign on the door that said Peace House and Please Close the Door When You Leave. 

We were intrigued.  We entered and saw this quaint space.  People have left all manner of things as mementoes.  There were snacks and drink bottles and notes and there was a guest book with names.  What a cool little place.  This set the tone for the rest of our day.

A fun surprise in the middle of nowhere!

We turned into the canyon and saw two Marine helicopters coming through.  The second banked to acknowledge our presence.

We continued to enjoy the ride. 

As we drove deeper into the canyon, the wildflowers began to appear…more varieties and colors and beauty as we went.

We have heard of chaparral but never known what it was.  For weeks we have been seeing this orange vine covering other shrubs in the desert.  This is a parasitic plant native to California.

These are the first golden poppies we have seen here.

Such a riot of blooms arranged in gardens and bouquets by nature; it was stunning!

Being here today elicited a deep sense of serenity and contentment. 

We went to Pablitos for a late lunch. It was such a treat to be able to eat outside!

We will miss lots of things about this quirky town; farmers markets, Borrego Bread, Jeep trails, and tent camping trips.  It is time to move on and see what else we can find to get into!