Falling From The Sky

915 March 3, 2023 Falling From The Sky

Happy Birthday David!  You make us so proud and we love you!

We started early at the Friday farmer’s market.  Town was very busy this morning.  A beautiful day and the promise of nice weather this weekend and people were out and about!  Fresh berries and greens and one small loaf of banana bread…we resisted the croissants and the sourdough bread.  Our last market before we move on. 

We stopped for some coffee and sat in the sunshine enjoying the warmth.

I walked and talked with Mom and David and logged more than 3 miles.

We packed our bikes and left from Pegleg.  We cycled along Henderson Canyon Road.  There were lots of flower peepers.  This Miata Club was parked and drivers were traipsing among the posies taking pictures.

We biked to Seley Ranch and there was red grapefruit for sale…12 for $6.00!  Tim loaded them into his saddlebags.

We stopped again when we saw parachutes floating in the sky above us.  We watched for a long time as soldiers loaded into the plane.  We watched the plane climb high and then we could see parachutes popping open and drifting down.  It was the coolest thing!

Dust devil.

We biked on and finished just over 12 miles.

This evening, we packed our dinner and drove to Font’s Point to watch the sunset.  On our way, we saw a couple standing by the road, their vehicle stuck in the soft sand on the shoulder.  We stopped and Tim got out the tow strap and pulled the car out.

On our way again!

View of the Badlands.

We ate dinner while the sun slipped away with little fanfare.

As we drove back to the campground, we saw another couple standing along the road, waving their arms.  We stopped and we could see an Expedition with its rear tires buried in deep soft sand.  Tim got out the tow strap for a second time and pulled the car out.  Two saves in one evening.

Tim was talking today with a guy who works here in the resort. He told Tim that the winds in Borrego Springs last Tuesday were measured at 102mph. One of the RV’s here had a window blowout. It is actually really surprising that there wasn’t more damage.

We just never know what the day will bring!