Borrego Brown

901 February 14, 2023 Borrego Brown

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The forecast for today was for wicked wind.  Wind speeds were expected to be sustained at around 30mph with gust in the 50’s and isolated gusts as high a 100mph.  For this reason, I got out and took a good walk.  I knew there was a narrow window of opportunity.  When I began, the winds were less than 10.  I walked into town and down to the circle.  I could see as I approached, great clouds of dust.  The winds were picking up as a went around and I could feel sand pelting my exposed skin.  Walking back to the RV resort was uphill and with a face full of westerly winds.  I was very happy to get home!  It was good work and I was glad to be finished. 

It was a good day for doing inside stuff like sheets and laundry, cleaning the pantry, and vacuuming under the bed!

When I stalled long enough, I got out the tax paperwork.  I don’t know why I dread this job so much…but I do!  Our accountant moved to a new firm and so things are a bit different this year.  I created 20 electronic files to upload.  The good news is that everything I have is sent!  There are still a couple of stragglers…but I am finished…WOOHOO!!!

While I worked, Tim went out for a walk.  He walked the desert behind the campground and took a back trail into town.  He walked a short while on the ridges of the lower hills.  He called me to pick him up in town but I was busy and I was waiting for the bread lady and so he walked back home up the hill and in the wind!

The highlight of the day was Borrego Brown.  Last Friday at the farmers market, there was a vendor packing up and ready to leave at about 9:30.  She had sold out of all of her bread and baked goods.  She told us about her homemade white and wheat sourdough breads.  She offered to add us to her list of subscriptions.  Each Tuesday for 3 weeks, beginning today, she would deliver  a warm, fresh loaf of sourdough to our door…were we interested???  It was the highlight of the day!!  She brought our bread at 3:30.   I shoved the tax papers off of the table.  I doubt she was even out of the parking lot before we were sampling the delicious Borrego Brown.  We tried it alone, with butter, and with our olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  It was amazing every which way!

The wind was really gusty this afternoon.  We pulled the slideouts in for a couple of hours.  Tim went onto the roof to check the satellite dish and it had blown from the end of the RV onto the kitchen slideout.  We think that the cable saved it from blowing off!  Good save!

We never go out for Valentine’s Day dinner.  I offered to make my Valentine one of his favorite meals.  I cooked baby lima beans in the crockpot all day and seasoned them with honey and butter.  I made salmon cakes and Tim was a happy man!

It rained this evening, spatters at first and then, thunder and real rain…more flowers!

Sandstone Canyon

900 February 13, 2023 Sandstone Canyon

I went for my morning walk and our neighbors were standing outside.  I told them that we had kept them in our thoughts last evening after seeing the ambulance there.  They told me that the woman had fallen from the wet and slippery steps of her camper.  She had to be flown out for treatment.  She had 28 stitches and was in the ICU today.  Continued prayers for her recovery…how quickly things can change. 

I did a shorter 3 mile walk in the park today. 

We ate breakfast and then took the Jeep for a ride to Fish Creek Wash. 

We stopped to hike in a small box canyon.

We stopped again to hike to the Wind Caves.  We have done this hike once before with Kyle and Allison.  It is a moderately challenging, rather rigorous hike up a steep and rocky trail.  The altitude gain is 250 feet in a very short distance.  The view and exploring the Wind Caves was worth every bit of effort it took to get there!

We passed several places where there have been rock slides.  Some of the rocks look so precarious.  What makes them finally fall?  Earthquakes, rain…

We drove to Sandstone Canyon.  The walls are high and the passage narrow at times.  Such a fun ride and one of our favorites!

Tim drove a little further…always on the prowl for a potential tent camping site.  It will be too cold and windy this week to get out here.

Superbowl Sunday

899 February 12, 2023 Superbowl Sunday

It was only 40 degrees when I woke up this morning.  I waited to take my walk and then it was perfectly pleasant, sunny, and warm!  I walked through the park…continued motivation to get out and move.  I walked almost 5 miles!

After lunch, we took a Jeep ride out along Highway S22 toward the Salton Sea.  The scenery continues to delight me.  There were clouds and I loved watching the changing shadows across the mountains.

There were lots of people out hiking and looking at the wildflowers.  The weekend is a busy time here.  People come from the west coast just to see and photograph the flowers.  Anza-Borrego State Park is the largest state park in California; over 1,000 square miles.  There are 500 miles of roads, paved and 4WD and more than 100 miles of hiking trails. 

We got back in time for Tim to watch the Superbowl.  I spent the first half working on gathering stuff for taxes. 

We had turkey chili for our dinner.  As I was cooking out on the grill, it began to rain…big fat drops!  Rain means more flowers!

As we were clearing the table, we heard sirens.  The firetruck and the ambulance pulled up right next to us.  Our neighbors had been having a party since this morning.  We aren’t sure what happened but they took a woman out on a stretcher and into the ambulance.  I don’t know where she has to be taken.  San Diego is more than 50 miles from here.  It takes 1 ½ hours on winding roads in the daytime.  Now it is dark and raining.  The hairdresser told me that the people who live here fulltime have insurance that they buy for about $60.00 a year.  This insurance gets residents airlifted out in the event of an emergency.  Good care is very far way!  Our thoughts are with this person and her family.

Hellhole Canyon Trail

898 February 11, 2023 Hellhole Canyon Trail

I took a nice walk through the Anza-Borrego State Park this morning. 

We tried to go and see Art in the Park at Christmas Circle…but it wasn’t there!  We checked the community park but I guess it was cancelled today!

We drove a short distance to the Hellhole Canyon Trailhead. 

We hiked 1 ½ miles and then turned back.

This afternoon, there was a local musician, Carlo Casaluci, playing acoustic guitar and singing at the library.  He had a beautiful voice and he could really play that guitar.  We enjoyed his performance.

When we left the library, the flag was blowing.  The winds were at 22mph with gusts.  The temperature had dropped.  We were glad to spend the rest of the evening inside. 

Friday Farmers Market

897 February 10, 2023 Friday Farmers Market

I took my walk into town this morning.  I called Tim to meet me at Christmas Circle for the Friday Farmers Market.  We bought fresh croissants and a crusty baguette.  We bought some berries, greens, asparagus, and avocadoes.  We were there at a little after 9am and some booths had already sold out!

I am very glad that I took a rest day yesterday.  I had my energy back and I walked more than 4 miles. 

I found a salon with an opening and was able to get my hair cut today.  The woman who cut my hair has lived in Borrego Springs for a long time.  She had lots to share about the economy of the area and how it affects the people who live and work here.  It is a hard place to try to make it.

This afternoon, we took our bikes and rode from Christmas Circle in a 8.5 mile loop.

We stopped for a break. 

The sand verbena is lavender and lovely!  It has a lemony fragrance that we could smell as we were cycling.

We sat for a short time at Hawkwatch.  At this place, volunteers sit from February 21st into April to watch and count the annual migration of Swainson’s hawks.  These birds come from Mexico, Columbia, and Argentina.  The hawks stop here to eat the caterpillars that come to feast on the blooming wildflowers.  I read that on some days in March there are hundreds of birds in the air at the same time.  Thousands of hawks pass through each spring on their way to breeding grounds that are as far away as Alaska.

We took crab dip, our baguette, bruschetta, olive tapenade, celery, and berries and went to the park for dinner.  It was mostly cloudy and so there was no sunset.  But when we got back to the campground, the sky was beginning to color.

Camping On A Faultline

896 February 8-9, 2023 Camping On A Faultline

After a good 3 mile walk in town, Tim and I rode bikes from Christmas Circle for 6 miles in the surrounding neighborhoods.

We packed the Jeep for another overnight adventure.  We drove back to Butte’s Pass where we collected some dead wood.  I turned over a piece of wood and found this spider! It is a Walckenaer’s Huntsman Spider. Their bite is painful but not dangerous…even so, I was lucky that he retreated to his hole! He is actually really pretty!

We entered Blowsand Canyon.

We turned onto Goat Trail and found the perfect camping site.  We were intrigued by the rock formations here.  We are sitting in the San Jacinto Fault Zone.  This is a portion of the San Andreas Fault System.  Looking at the cleft in the earth you can imagine the violent tearing and heaving that occurred here.  The geology is very interesting.  Sections of rock rise up from the chasm as crazy angles. 

There are boulders here that don’t look like anything else around.  These are as large as the Jeep.  They contain these beautiful pink striations of dense rose quartz.

We hiked around climbing rocks and admiring the work of nature.

We sat all afternoon in warm sunshine.  The weather was perfect…low seventies and NO wind.

Soon after sunset, we heard an owl and then several minutes later at least one more and they sang to us, a lovely soothing song. 

We cooked our omelets and enjoyed a fire.  The moon had not yet risen and we sat high on a ridge.  The dry desert air makes for a clear sky and the Milky Way was gorgeous!

Overnight it was warmer and windless and we were comfortable.  I never sleep as well when we are tent camping and each time I woke up, I could hear the owls calling to one another. 

This morning it was pleasant.  We had a morning fire and coffee. 

We drove down into the wash below and had our breakfast.  From here, Tim hiked a while.  I waited 20 minutes and then went to get him.

When we got back, we organized and repacked gear and then we rested.

As much as I love these adventures, it is so nice to get home and have a hot and soapy shower.  I put on pretty clothes and we went out to dinner at Kesling’s Kitchen.  The food was amazing!  I had shrimp remoulade with a sweet and savory olive sauce.  Tim had a Moroccan chicken salad.  The menu there changes every day.  We are looking forward to going there again!

The Slot

895 February 7, 2023 The Slot

I took a nice walk into town this morning.  I had read about a desert botanical garden that I hadn’t yet seen.  I went to look.  5 years ago, this area was a dirt lot.  A bunch of community volunteers had a vision.  With perseverance and love, this garden was crafted.  It is absolutely beautiful.  I didn’t have the time to see all of it.  We had an appointment, but I will come back!

There are these signs posted in many of the shop windows.  Dollar General seems to be a fixture in every little berg that we travel through.  This town had long resisted any chain store…no restaurants…no McDonalds…no big grocery stores.  The store owners really do not want a Dollar General here.  While cheaper prices would really be helpful to the people who live and work here, there are local businesses that would suffer harm…a complicated issue.

We had some business to take care of today.  We contacted a notary public who was kind enough to come to the resort and assist us.  This lady has lived and worked in Borrego Springs for most of her life.  She had lots of stories to tell and had a perspective about this area that we never would have known.  It was a pleasure to visit with her and we were grateful for her help.

This afternoon, we drove to Buttes Pass and went to hike The Slot.  This is a half mile hike through a slot canyon.  The walls rise up 50 feet above the bottom.  The passage is very narrow in spots and there were a few places where we had to do some scooting, squeezing, and climbing.  It was a very fun!

We emerged into the sunlight at the end and looked for signage to indicate which way the trail went.  We decided to follow the footprints in the sand. 

We walked for about another ½ mile and ended up in a box canyon with a dry waterfall at the end…end of trail!

We had two options.  The first was to walk up the slide and around the ridge back to the Jeep.  The second was to retrace our steps and go back through the slot.  I was happy we chose option 2 and went back through again.  What a great hike!

We were down there in those crevices in the earth.

We took the Jeep and drove to Hawk’s Canyon then took a gravel road into Blowsand Canyon…4WD recommended.  This canyon was aptly named.  The road was covered with deep sand.  It was a pretty ride and somewhere that we had never been before.  We turned onto Goat Trail where we found a nice campsite with a tremendous view.  We plan to take the Jeep back tomorrow night and stay.

It was about 4pm when we got back.  Fish tacos on Taco Tuesday.  Day is done!

Getting Mud On The Tires

894 February 6, 2023 Getting Mud On The Tires

A new place to walk this morning!  The time passed quickly with phone chats to Mom and a good friend.

Tim made use of the Fitness Room here at the resort.

This is our site.  There are huge solar panels over a portion of the pull throughs.

Tim took a long bike ride this morning and I went to get him. 

This afternoon, we took a Jeep ride in the desert  though Coyote Canyon and to Sheep Canyon.

It was a pretty day and a pretty ride!

The stream is fuller than usual. 

One of the water crossings!

We got out to walk.  We could see some very large paw prints and sheep hoof prints near the water.

I love this drive and we enjoyed the day.

Welcome Back To Borrego Springs

893 February 5, 2023 Welcome Back To Borrego Springs

One last beautiful walk in the desert. 

We had a short drive to Borrego Springs.  We drove up and over the mountains.  The clouds were dramatic.

There were portions of the road that were very narrow and winding. 

Today was Sunday and there were lots of cyclists on the road.  I cannot imagine how challenging it must be to ride these mountains…and how scary on these crazy twists and turns.

We descended into the town and arrived at Christmas Circle. 

We parked the RV and disconnected the Jeep.  I got fresh drinking water and a couple of groceries.  We drove to Palm Canyon RV Resort to check out our spot for tomorrow.  We still had not decided where we were going to stay tonight.  We thought we might camp in the desert on the edge of town.  We saw that the campground here was fairly empty so we went to see if we might check-in a day early.  Thankfully they could accommodate us.  We spent the afternoon catching up on life.  Laundry and tanks and emails and other mundane tasks. 

We went to Red Ocotillo for a nice dinner.

We will be here in Borrego Springs for the next month.  We are looking forward to sitting still for a while.  There are lots of places to explore and lots of things to do here in town.

Riding Around In The Desert

892 February 4, 2023 Riding Around In The Desert

Another pleasant morning walk in the desert.

Our Jeep adventure today took us first to Jojoba Wash.  Here we rode among the Volcanic Hills.  The desert plants were almost lush; so verdant and dense.  The road was sandy which made for a pleasurable journey.  The scenery was outstanding. 

We came upon a section where the trail lead into the wash.  It was steep and lumpy.  Tim got out to check and determined that we could make it.  He had me act as spotter at the bottom of the hill.  My job was to make sure the Jeep tires straddled the deepest portions.  Tim and the Jeep did great!  This new Jeep is bigger and does not have the same ground clearance that our little Jeep had.  It will take some time to learn what it can do…until then we evaluate the rough spots.

It is so unusual to see puddles here in the desert.

We drove through the wash for a long while and then suddenly it dead ended.  The area ahead was full of large boulders.  We backtracked and found an egress road out and to the top.  It’s fun figuring it out together. 

We made our way out to S2 and then headed to Mortero Wash.  The views were spectacular and there were lots of places that would make nice tent camping sites. 

This was our lunch spot.

We drove to the railroad crossover. 

I sat on a rock just taking it all in.

We could see a line of Jeeps coming from the other side of the tracks and we went to see.  As we approached, we could remember coming here before, Piedras Grandes is a Native American Cultural Site.  We drove past today but we plan to come back and tour the site again and camp overnight in the tent.

We got back to the RV tired and happy after having another fun day exploring. 

We took a walk before dinner and then ate outside. 

The moon was already up and full and gorgeous.