Weather Watching

906 February 22, 2023 Weather Watching

It was windy yesterday but last night the wind was wicked crazy wild.  It was a little scary laying there in bed and listening to the whipping wind.  We could hear sand blasting the outside of the RV and then some rain as well.  The wind was battering the RV so hard that we pulled the slideouts in.  Sometime after midnight, the winds calmed enough that we could sleep. 

We woke up to a fine layer of sand on the inside of the window ledges on the western side.  There was also a coating of dust on everything. 

The entire town lost power at some point during the night.  The temperature inside the RV was 54 degrees.  We ran the generator to warm things up.

It was too unpleasant to walk this morning…more wind, chilly, and spitting rain.  I read that there may be a blizzard at higher elevations.  The road up to the mountains had a sign requiring mandatory chains on all vehicles.  We could see the mountaintops smothered in a thick layer of clouds. 

I stayed in today.  The highlight of my day was making flight plans for our trip to the east later this spring.

Tim had cabin fever and needed to get out.  He walked the ridges on the lower mountains behind the campground.  He called me to come and get him when he got to the circle.  There was a huge tree down.

There were power company trucks out working all day.  We are hoping they are able to restore electric soon!

In the meantime, it was a good day to take the day off.