Borrego Brown

901 February 14, 2023 Borrego Brown

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The forecast for today was for wicked wind.  Wind speeds were expected to be sustained at around 30mph with gust in the 50’s and isolated gusts as high a 100mph.  For this reason, I got out and took a good walk.  I knew there was a narrow window of opportunity.  When I began, the winds were less than 10.  I walked into town and down to the circle.  I could see as I approached, great clouds of dust.  The winds were picking up as a went around and I could feel sand pelting my exposed skin.  Walking back to the RV resort was uphill and with a face full of westerly winds.  I was very happy to get home!  It was good work and I was glad to be finished. 

It was a good day for doing inside stuff like sheets and laundry, cleaning the pantry, and vacuuming under the bed!

When I stalled long enough, I got out the tax paperwork.  I don’t know why I dread this job so much…but I do!  Our accountant moved to a new firm and so things are a bit different this year.  I created 20 electronic files to upload.  The good news is that everything I have is sent!  There are still a couple of stragglers…but I am finished…WOOHOO!!!

While I worked, Tim went out for a walk.  He walked the desert behind the campground and took a back trail into town.  He walked a short while on the ridges of the lower hills.  He called me to pick him up in town but I was busy and I was waiting for the bread lady and so he walked back home up the hill and in the wind!

The highlight of the day was Borrego Brown.  Last Friday at the farmers market, there was a vendor packing up and ready to leave at about 9:30.  She had sold out of all of her bread and baked goods.  She told us about her homemade white and wheat sourdough breads.  She offered to add us to her list of subscriptions.  Each Tuesday for 3 weeks, beginning today, she would deliver  a warm, fresh loaf of sourdough to our door…were we interested???  It was the highlight of the day!!  She brought our bread at 3:30.   I shoved the tax papers off of the table.  I doubt she was even out of the parking lot before we were sampling the delicious Borrego Brown.  We tried it alone, with butter, and with our olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  It was amazing every which way!

The wind was really gusty this afternoon.  We pulled the slideouts in for a couple of hours.  Tim went onto the roof to check the satellite dish and it had blown from the end of the RV onto the kitchen slideout.  We think that the cable saved it from blowing off!  Good save!

We never go out for Valentine’s Day dinner.  I offered to make my Valentine one of his favorite meals.  I cooked baby lima beans in the crockpot all day and seasoned them with honey and butter.  I made salmon cakes and Tim was a happy man!

It rained this evening, spatters at first and then, thunder and real rain…more flowers!