Friday Farmers Market

897 February 10, 2023 Friday Farmers Market

I took my walk into town this morning.  I called Tim to meet me at Christmas Circle for the Friday Farmers Market.  We bought fresh croissants and a crusty baguette.  We bought some berries, greens, asparagus, and avocadoes.  We were there at a little after 9am and some booths had already sold out!

I am very glad that I took a rest day yesterday.  I had my energy back and I walked more than 4 miles. 

I found a salon with an opening and was able to get my hair cut today.  The woman who cut my hair has lived in Borrego Springs for a long time.  She had lots to share about the economy of the area and how it affects the people who live and work here.  It is a hard place to try to make it.

This afternoon, we took our bikes and rode from Christmas Circle in a 8.5 mile loop.

We stopped for a break. 

The sand verbena is lavender and lovely!  It has a lemony fragrance that we could smell as we were cycling.

We sat for a short time at Hawkwatch.  At this place, volunteers sit from February 21st into April to watch and count the annual migration of Swainson’s hawks.  These birds come from Mexico, Columbia, and Argentina.  The hawks stop here to eat the caterpillars that come to feast on the blooming wildflowers.  I read that on some days in March there are hundreds of birds in the air at the same time.  Thousands of hawks pass through each spring on their way to breeding grounds that are as far away as Alaska.

We took crab dip, our baguette, bruschetta, olive tapenade, celery, and berries and went to the park for dinner.  It was mostly cloudy and so there was no sunset.  But when we got back to the campground, the sky was beginning to color.