Desert Olive Farms

888 January 31, 2023 Desert Olive Farms

Overnight there was gentle rain for several hours.  When we awoke, it was 46 degrees, windy, and spitting rain.  I walked to the dumpster and back and then decided to wait for a short time and try again!

One last walk in the park.

Hummingbird posing for pictures.

Bougainville…so colorful and pretty.

Tim drove the RV to a gas station to fill with diesel before leaving Yuma.  We thought that the gas prices in California would be higher and this proved to be correct.  It was $5.79 per gallon once we left Arizona.

We passed the Imperial Sand Dunes not far from the state line.  It was very windy and sand was drifting across the highway. 

It was a short drive to Desert Olive Farms in Brawley.  This farm has a store in Yuma but it was never open in the evenings when we were downtown.

We arrived here after noon.  The host was not present but we were welcome to park and explore.  We took a walk.  The property is lovely and also serves as a wedding venue.

Acres of onions.

Romaine lettuce.

The olive grove.

The last vestiges of the pomegranate season.

There are rules to help keep the food supply safe.

A farm worker in a white pickup truck stopped to talk to us.  He let us know that they were going to have a helicopter spraying the romaine fields. 

We walked back to the RV, got into the Jeep, and drove out to watch the crop dusting.  First, the helicopter perched atop this truck and filled with chemicals.

We watched the pilot fly in great loops.

This evening, we watched the sunset.

Cowboy Clyde was our host this evening.  He was a wonderful storyteller and has a clever wit and dry sense of humor.  We learned about the history of Imperial Valley, farming, and water rights.  He took us into the workshop and taught us about how olive oil is made.  He taught us what real extra virgin olive oil is.  The mass-produced olive oils that are sold in our grocery stores are not are not the pure product that we think we are buying.  The food industry has lots of clever ways to label things. 

Clyde shared samples of olive oils and balsamic vinegars and at the end of his presentation, we purchased some to take on the road with us.

I loved this unique experience and am grateful for the opportunity to stay in this beautiful place.