Adventure In 2023

869 January 2-5, 2023 Adventure In 2023

We left Atlanta on January 2nd. We traveled through Georgia into Alabama and then Mississippi.

I found a Harvest Host site in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. It was a restaurant called The Shed. This BBQ joint sits right on the bayou. It must have started as a small place and it looks like it has been added onto rather haphazardly through the years. It is quite the collection of things…tubas, typewriters, old license plates. The BBQ chicken was good but not the best ever. The ambience is the thing. It was a mild evening and we sat outside in rocking chairs enjoying the balmy air.

We took a walk along the bayou and even thought we saw an alligator but it was just a fake head floating in the water. It was too cool and cloudy for real gators to be out.

Tuesday evening, Oliver lost his first tooth!

On Wednesday, we got some exercise in before driving west once again.

We drove through Louisiana.

It was a warm and sunny day. I like the ride on suspended highways on Route 10W through this low country. We crossed over the Mississippi River near Baton Rouge.

We entered Texas at MM 878. Texas is big!

There was a real alligator in the swamp behind the Texas Welcome Center.

We drove to Winnie and we stayed at the Winnie Stowell County Park where we have overnighted on many crosscountry trips. We walked as soon as we got there and watched the sun go down on our way back to the RV.

On Thursday morning, I walked to the Winnie Post office and back before we resumed our sprint across Texas. We drove all day and arrived in Sonora, Texas just before sundown.

Mike greeted us at the RV park entrance and guided us to our site. He encouraged us to walk the loop and take a look at his collection. We were surprised to see that he collects bricks! He was never a mason. He was a rancher for 40 years.

We walked to the nearby high school and did laps on the track in the stadium.

We hope to get near El Paso tomorrow.