Rainy Days And Mondays

855 November 21, 2022 Rainy Days And Mondays

It rained on and off all night and then again, all day today.  I took clothes to the laundry room with the intention of walking while the washer ran but the rain came down in torrents. 

I was able to get stuff into dryers and headed to the Resistance Band Class.  It was pouring and I got wet!  No one else showed up so it was just the activities director and myself.  In the end, I was glad I went. 

I went back to get clothes and got wet yet again.  I borrowed a trash bag and hauled the dry things to the Jeep and back home.

Tim went out to walk and it began to rain when he was on his way back.  He declined a rescue.  I never got a walk in but I did take a long nap.

We had hoped to go see live music at Florida Keys Brewing Company this evening but it was canceled because of weather.

We decided to take dinner to Annie’s Beach.  We knew we could eat in a pavilion.  It was nice to get out for a while.

The weather is supposed to improve tomorrow.  It is forecasted to be cloudy but without wind warnings and rain…we shall see what the new day brings!