Key West

837 November 2, 2022 Key West

After completing our usual morning stuff, we packed the Jeep with our clothes and our bikes and we drove the 70 miles to Key West. 

We parked along the seawall on the south side of the island along A1A.  We took the bikes and cycled along the water.

We saw a few grounded boats. 

We spotted this makeshift sea vessel made from metal 55-gallon drums with a 4-cylinder car motor adapted to fit into this boat, transmission with a stick shift and all.  There were clothes and backpacks soaked and strewn on the boat bottom.  How desperate would you be to cross the ocean from Cuba in this?  It really makes you stop and consider all the freedoms we should be grateful for.

We stopped to get an icy mango smoothie.   It was 88 degrees and we were hot.  The shake was just the pick-me-up that we needed.

We biked for 3.5 miles and then decided to head back to the car.  Our room was not ready at Ibis Bay and so we ate lunch at the restaurant, Stoned Crab, where we had good wraps and lots of iced cold water.

This resort is and old-time motor inn.  It has been renovated and has a really neat retro feel.  It is decorated with bright and cheerful colors and it is just fun!  There is a sweet little beach area.

We stopped to look at the tortoises.

We took the resort shuttle to Duvall Street and walked until 6.

A rooster…there are chickens and roosters everywhere!

We headed to Mallory Square for the Sunset Celebration.

We saw a pirate boat.

We saw a yacht.

We saw several party boats.

The neat thing about Key West is its diversity.  Diversity of people, food choices, activities, and shopping.  Everything exists from one extreme to another.  From pizza slices to 5-star restaurants.  From 2 for $5.00 t-shirt shops to high end art and jewelry stores.  There is something here for everyone.

We went to Smokin’ Tuna for dinner.  It is a block off Duvall Street.  They have live music.  The tables are outside in a large courtyard.  The food is pretty good.  I always order the tuna chili and it never disappoints!