Old Seven Mile Bridge

832 October 28, 2022 Old Seven Mile Bridge

We had some early morning excitement.  We had two small frogs in the RV!  Tim was able to get both of them outside.

I did my morning walk while simultaneously washing clothes in the campground laundromat.

We took the Jeep with our bikes to Marathon Key.  We parked at MM 53 and parked.  We cycled seven miles to the Old Seven Mile Bridge.  This old bridge segment was recently converted into a beautiful walking and biking path.  It is 2 miles long and a lovely ride. 

The path ends at Pigeon Key.  This was the site of a work camp for the men building the original Overseas Railroad from 1908-1912.  It is a National Historic Site and there are tours available there. 

We biked the 9 miles back to the Jeep with a headwind.  It was hard work, especially on the bridge where the breeze was stronger.

Lots of iguanas along the way.

This iguana was in a staring contest with a raccoon when I passed by. The raccoon ran away.

We were about a mile away from the Jeep when Tim pulled into this parking lot.

I was puzzled until he pointed at this sign.

We went inside and purchased two very decadent key lime pie ice cream bars which we enjoyed on the front porch.

We got back to the RV at 4:30 after biking for 18,5 miles and we were tired! 

We just made omelets for our dinner.

Tim went out to watch the end of the day while I worked on the blog.