Quiet Day

829 October 25, 2022 Quiet Day

Happy Birthday Kyle!  You make us proud every day and we love you!

Overnight I heard coyotes howling. 

This morning after my walk, I saw a pair of roseate spoonbills flying overhead.  It is such a shock to see big bright neon pink birds in the sky.

We took short bike rides but mostly we were quiet today.  It was hot and still and the mosquitos were out.  We rode around the campground loops, to the bay, and around the marina.  Tim kept going but I went back to the RV. 

By evening, it had cooled off a little and we ate our salmon and beet salad outside.

We went for a drive to watch the sun go down.  There were no clouds and so the sun slipped beyond the horizon with little fanfare.

We went to West Lake to see the stars come out but the mosquitoes were just too voracious and they chased us into the Jeep.  Notice the mosquito protective clothes! Long sleeves and long pants!

We made the loop where we saw the panther last night, hoping to see him again but no panthers out and about tonight!

It was a quiet day and that’s okay!