
824 October 20, 2022 Flamingo!

I got in a good walk this morning before we left Monument Lake.  The cooler weather does make it easier to get the work done!  As I rounded the third turn of the lake, I saw the big gator laying on the bank.  I gave him wide berth and then decided not to pass that way again. 

We had to stop at Midway to get fresh water and to use the sanitation station. 

We drove 1 ½ hours to Homestead.  Our first order of business was to go to the laundromat.   Once we had clean clothes, we went to the grocery store.  We found a place to park the RV but when I came out with a cart full of groceries, I wasn’t able to push the cart.  The wheels were locked!  Tim had to weave his way through the crowded lot to find me and help me load the groceries. 

We had to stop at Robert Is Here.  I found an article yesterday that called this the “Disney World of fruit stands.”  We got mangos and a papaya and mamey sapote and mango butter.  Tim had a delicious Cuban sandwich. 

Fully supplied, we were ready to drive the 43 miles into the Everglades to the Flamingo Campground.  This ride is one that we always enjoy.  We started to come to southern Florida about 15 years ago.  For many years, it was a favorite place to spend part of the winter.  It is familiar and we know here things are.  We are looking forward to spending time here.

It was almost 4pm by the time we arrived and got settled.  We jumped on our bikes and cycled to Florida Bay.

We went to see the Visitor Center and the Marina.  We were disappointed to see that the construction that had begun when we were here two years ago is still not complete. 

We saw a bunch of manatees.

We saw a crocodile.

We had a picnic dinner and Tim enjoyed his mamey.  This fruit is common to Mexico and Central America.  It has a texture similar to an avocado.  It tastes kind of like a sweet potato or a pumpkin.  Tim really likes it…me not so much!

Much more to explore tomorrow and in the days to come!