Shark Valley Take 2

821 October 17, 2022 Shark Valley Take 2

We got to Shark Valley before 8:30. 

I saw an area surrounded by tape and with a posted sign indicating that there was an active alligator nest.  Mama was present but I didn’t see hatchlings.

We started biking the trail and quickly came upon this big guy. 

I decided today that I was going to take less pictures.  I just wanted to enjoy the ride!

We noticed that the water was brimming and right to the edge of the path.  We have had thunderstorms and steady rain every evening.  The water level in the Everglades is not only affected by the rain that falls here but also by all the rain that falls in central Florida.  There were less gators and very few birds today. 

Even so, it was a beautiful hot and sunny day and we had a great ride.  I was in my happy place…well one of many!   The breeze was in our face as we rode into the glades; but it felt good and didn’t hinder our riding.  As we got closer, the path was flooded with several inches of water in many areas.

The view from the top of the tower was gorgeous and there was enough wind blowing to cool us down.  It was a nice place to rest and have a snack.

This is periphyton.  It is spongy and holds water.  This becomes especially important in the dry season.    It is an integral part of the food chain and also functions as a habitat for small creatures.

The rest of our ride was almost completely devoid of wildlife.  It is amazing how different our ride today was than our ride last week. 

We were back at the campground by noon.  The afternoon was too hot to enjoy being outside and so we spent the day quietly.