Loop Road At Night

820 October 15-16, 2022 Loop Road At Night

I had some walking company on Saturday morning.  I am happy to report that I was moving much more quickly than this little guy…despite the heat and 96% humidity.

There were thousands of mayflies on the RV this morning; piled on the windowsills and clinging to every surface.

We went to Monument Lake to publish the blog.  We met a guy who was fishing.  He had been sitting in this chair when this 8-foot alligator crept out of the water.  The fisherman “really liked his chair” and was waiting for the alligator to go for a swim.  Alligators can move at speeds of 20mph on land and this was no little gator!

If you look closely…it looks like he is smiling!

We traveled 43 miles to Naples so that we could get produce and water. On our way back, we stopped in Everglades City and went back to City Seafood for lunch.  We both liked what we had the day before so much that we ordered the same wraps again!

I took another walk in the afternoon.  My hawk friend was eating something in the roadway.  I watched him take off and fly.  I heard and felt the air from his wings as he passed about a yard from me.  He landed in the tree.

We watched these crows fight over a banana peel…we are so easily entertained!

When the sun had set, we decided to go explore Loop Road.  We have been wanting to do this but there have been thunderstorms every evening.  It was a little spooky.  It was even creepier when the thunder and lightning began.  This area has several apex predators; panthers, bears, snakes, and alligators.  They live in Big Cypress and were lurking somewhere in the darkness.  I saw one set of eyes in the water among the cypress knees.  Tim saw one small alligator.  We also saw a rat-like creature scurry across the road.  We might have seen more if we had gotten out of the Jeep to look…but it was nighttime and raining and that was way outside our comfort zone!

Sunday morning was slow and lazy…like Sunday mornings should be! 

Morning walk.

It promises to be a day filled with sports; NASCAR and Ravens football.  I might have a little self-spa day!