
815 October 10, 2022 Clewiston

When we got up this morning it was already quite balmy…78 degrees and 100% humidity! A nice morning for a walk. I was glistening when I finished my 2.5 miles.

We took the Jeep and drove to Clewiston with our bikes. We had wanted to continue riding on the LOST or the Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail. We got to Clewiston Commerce Park and unloaded. The trail though, was blocked because of construction. We ended up riding through neighborhoods and along canals. We logged 8 miles.

We got back to the park and rested in the shade of this southern live oak tree. Grackles cackled and called from the branches above us. Tim may have thrown out a handful of peanuts. A dozen or more grackles swooped in to get a tidbit. It is fair to say that these birds are accustomed to being fed!

While in town, we picked up a prescription, got groceries, and found the local post office.

The afternoon was a bit too soupy and warm, 86 degrees with 81% humidity, to enjoy being outside. We stayed in and rested in the AC.

This evening, we packed our dinner and drove to Paul Rardin Park.

We watched the sunset from the levee path.