Miramichi River Route

804 August 15, 2022 Miramichi River Route

Happy happy 6th birthday sweet Oliver!!!

The morning came and with it, blue skies and sunshine!  I was able to walk in the campground and the surrounding neighborhood.

Today we left the coast behind turning inland and traveling along the Miramichi River on a scenic highway.

When we arrived at the campground, we asked what we should be sure to see.  We were directed to the Woodsman Museum in the nearby Boiestown.  There was also a waterfall we should see and the map to the falls is at the museum.  Just before we got to the town, Tim spotted a young moose by the road.  I was driving and had traffic behind me…so no pictures…but what a magnificent animal.  Every time we are lucky enough to see one, I am amazed by their power and grace.

Well, the Woodsman Museum is closed on Monday.  No map to the falls.  We went across the street to the community park.  Here there was a woman watching her children play.  She gave us directions to the falls and we were on our way!

We must have misremembered the instructions.  There were many turns and no road names mentioned.  Tim realized that we were going the wrong way.  We were about to give up when we saw a man in a motorized wheelchair running along the road.  He gave us clear directions and this time; we found our way. 

It was a nice short hike to get there.  Fall Brook Falls is 30 meters high.  They are the tallest continuously running falls in New Brunswick.

This cool bug is a stonefly naiad or nymph.  If stoneflies are present, it is an indicator that the water is very clean.  Fly fishermen get excited when they see stoneflies because it usually means that trout are present.  

By the time we got back, it was dinnertime.  Tuna steaks on the grill with a blackberry salad.

The quote tonight is from “Time of Wonder” by Robert McCloskey.  “Take a farewell look at the waves and sky.  Take a farewell sniff of the salty sea.  A little bit sad about the place you are leaving, a little bit glad about the place you are going.”