
801 August 12, 2022 Grande-Anse

Another glorious morning for a walk along the Esplanade.

We traveled about 100 miles east along the Restigouche River all the way to the Chaleur Bay.  Grande-Anse is the gateway to the Acadian Coast.  This area is rich with Acadian history.  In the 1600’s, peasants were recruited from the west central part of France to colonize Canada.  The people settled in the Canadian Maritime provinces.  In 1745, the British threatened to expel the Acadians unless they swore allegiance to England.  The Acadians fought to keep their land and their ancestors live here in this region today.  These people are related to the Cajun people in Louisiana.  This culture has a distinct dialect and Acadians are very proud of their heritage.  August 15th is National Acadian Day.  Houses are decorated with red, white, and blue flags with yellow stars.  Some houses have lots and lots of decorations!!

Our campsite is right on the bay.

We rode our bikes into the small town this afternoon; past the church and to the harbor.

Lots of local art!

The visitor center had maps and other information about activities along the coast.

This evening we went back to the harbor and tried the local flavors.  We ate lobster rolls at the Cantine dus Quai.   Several local people were playing guitars and singing by the restaurant.  Everyone was happy and having fun.

This little boy found a mud puddle.

We drove aimlessly for awhile after dinner.  We found a nice park and got out to walk.