Goodbye Gaspe

799 August 10, 2022 Goodbye Gaspe

A short and easy walk around the campground to begin the day and then we traveled along the coast.  As we finish our tour of the Gaspesie, we marvel at all we have seen and learned. 

  • The history of the area…the Vikings were here! 
  • The culture and the art of the people 
  • Communicating in a language very foreign to us…we now know all kinds of bits and pieces of French
  • The beauty and diversity of the coast, the forest, the mountains, the rivers, the waterfalls, the meadows
  • The museums and the lighthouses
  • Fishing villages and provincial towns tucked into coves
  • The kindness and graciousness of people who always say Bonjour and always stop to chat and ask where you are from
  • The moose and the seals and the eagles and the gannets
  • New foods and local flavors…so much seafood!
  • Gorgeous blue skies and pleasant temperatures

As we cross the bridge over the Chaleur Bay, we don’t yet know which way to go…east or west or south…so many choices and opportunities to visit places that we have never been before.  So very fortunate and grateful for the freedom to choose.

We are staying at the loveliest campground of our trip.  We settled and then took our bikes on the Esplanade from the park into the town of Campbellton.

Very cool educational and historical exhibits in the community building at the campground.

This evening we returned to town and went to the Night Market.  There were all kinds of vendors.  There was one stand cooking chicken and burgers.  They were asking for donations to feed the hungry.

Balloon rides…2 feet off the ground and back down again!

We went then to the restaurant at the campground, Krave Kitchen.  We had burgers and salads that were surprisingly delicious!

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