Mont- Louis

791 August 1, 2022 Mont- Louis

This morning, I drove to town in the Jeep.  I took the trail,  Sentier pedestre de la mer au mont Pointu.   I began my walk in this driftwood sculpture garden.

The path then led me to a bridge across the mouth of the Sainte Anne River.  This is where the salmon return to the place of their birth and begin the final phase of life, spawning and then death.

The trailed turned to follow the river.

As I walked, I startled great flocks of Canadian geese; an eruption of squawking and wings as they lifted, forming perfect v’s across the water.

Along the river and through the woods to a marshy area rich with cattails.

I walked back the way I had come to the boardwalk along the gulf.

When I got back to the “VR”, as they call it here, I had my breakfast while watching a seal bobbing in the shallow water; diving and resurfacing; perhaps having his breakfast as well.

We had a short 40-mile drive today to Mont-Louis.  We are hopping from one quaint coastal village to another, taking our time to explore.

We stopped to see Chute Le Viole de la Mariee.

We arrived in Mont-Louis by noon.  We took our bikes into town and went into the shops.

We cycled back to the campground and stopped to check out the local music venue.  It was closed for today but Nick, who works there, came out to talk with us.   He gave us lots of recommendations of things to see in town.

We spent some time planning ahead…something that we rarely do. We are getting close to Gaspe Pointe and the National Park. Campgrounds are less frequent. Tomorrow, we found a place about 30 miles away in Grande-Vallee. After that, we wanted to stay in the Parc National du Canada de Forillon. The only site we were able to get was for the Jeep and RTT on Friday evening. We called several campgrounds and found a spot for 4 nights near the town of Gaspe. We will use this as our base camp to explore.

This evening, we traveled up the hill to the site of the cross.

From this vantage point, we could see the cove and the whole village below.

We went into the smoked fish market and bought some salmon and some crab and lobster spreads.

We went to the café and bought poke bowls and local stout and cider.  We took our meal to Lac de l’Anse Pleureuse.

We saw a bald eagle resting on a rock in the gulf.

One last trip to town to watch the sunset.

We have noticed that almost all of the other campers are from Quebec. There are hardly any Americans here. The Canadian people are very gracious and welcoming. Everyone says Bonjour as they pass. Everyone makes an effort to communicate. We have enjoyed our time in Mont-Louis…thanks Nick for your guidance!