811 August 22-23, 2022 We Got Her Back!
Monday, we spent all day waiting. I walked in chilly morning mist. Then, it was overcast and gloomy; another good day for cleaning and reading. There was a chance of rain all day and we waited for the rain and we waited for a call about the Jeep. At 3pm Tim called. They might get it finished before the end of the day. When they took it for a test drive though, the brakes were spongy.
Tuesday morning they were going to bleed the brakes.
We did our morning exercise and then packed up and drove the RV to the car shop. They had just finished and were ready to take it for a spin. Tim went along and was satisfied that everything was running well. We paid and hooked up and drove south on 95.

Instead of taking 95 all the way through Boston and New York City, we chose an alternate route. We took 90 west to 84 west. There was still a lot of traffic and around Waterbury, it started to pour with thunder and lightning. Then there was a 34-minute area of red. A traffic accident had things snarled for miles.

We got out of the traffic mess and the rain stopped. We were looking forward to stopping at the New York Welcome Center but it was an Unwelcome Center…not clean and crowded and no place to walk.
We had a lot of trouble finding a place to stay. There were very few campgrounds and the state parks were not accepting same day reservations. We looked for a Cracker Barrel or a Walmart but there must be some ordinance up here that prevents Walmart from allowing overnight stays. We stopped in Middletown, New York. We found a Red Lobster within walking distance and got some dinner.
We finally settled at a Sam’s Club that allows RV parking.
We will be home in a day or two and so this journey is coming to an end. We saw a lot, we learned a lot, and we loved Canada! We plan to stay in Maryland for a week or two and then we will spend some time in Atlanta. The blog will be suspended until we begin traveling again in late September.
Thanks for riding along with us!