Sainte Anne des Monts

789 July 30, 2022 Sainte Anne des Monts

Another walk in another place that I haven’t been before. The trail started in the lot where we were parked overnight. There was a passage under the highway and then along the Matane River. These coastal towns and villages have all been so picturesque.

Lots of art in town.

The mouth of the Matane River opens up to the Saint Lawrence here.

We moved again today. We drove only for an hour, transitioning from the coastal region to La Haute Gaspesie or the Upper Gaspesie. The Saint Lawrence River had become wider as we traveled and is now the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The terrain had changed. The coast is now more rugged. There are small coves and bays interspersed with areas of steep cliffs.

We stopped in Les Mechins at this memorial park.

We stopped again in Cap Chat. There was a very nice Farmers Market right at the rest area. I got fresh greens and spring onions and a cucumber and a vine ripened tomato. We also found saskatoon berries. I thought I was buying blueberries. The young girl at the stand explained, in beautiful English, that these berries taste like a combination of pears and blueberries…and they do!

We arrived at Sainte Anne des Monts around noon. The woman at the campground spoke no English. I knew this from my phone reservation the night before. I had practiced asking for 2 nights or “deux nuits.” I had also practiced “Do you have a laundry?” and “Change for the laundry please.” The woman had no clue what I was trying to say…we used hand signs and when that didn’t work…I asked SIRI! I left with 1 dollar coins for the washer and dryer.

Later in the afternoon, we went for a drive in the Jeep.

Chateau Lamontagne.

We did find an information center and the gentleman spoke English well and had a great knowledge of the area. We left him with maps of the National Park and lots of suggestions for shopping in the area. With his recommendation, we went to Cevic. This was a really nice store. We purchased salmon turonedoes stuffed with shrimp and cheese and lobster and peppers and onions and spinach and we had a great dinner with all the fresh vegetables we had purchased earlier.

Tim took a bike ride this evening. It is rather hilly and it was windy so he worked hard.

Our campsite is right along the gulf. We have been entertained by diving gulls and Tim found a radio station that plays country music. Most of the songs are in English and are songs we recognize. Some songs are French remakes of classic US country and other songs are just French!

Our view from our window to the world.

This is where we are!