Horserace Brook

783 July 22-23, 2022 Horserace Brook

We did our usual morning exercise and then packed the Jeep for another sleepover adventure. We drove north toward Katahdin and then took an access route to Golden Road. This is an old logging road; partially paved and partially gravel washboard.

We drove several miles until we reached the Class 5 rapids on the Penobscot River. We were just in time to see these two groups of whitewater rafters shoot through the rapids. It was exciting to watch!

Tim took a video.

We found the perfect camping spot at Horserace Brook. We sat by the water.

We waded in.

The minnows nibbled on our feet and ankles.

We heard the loons calling across the lake.

We watched kayakkers cross the lake after they had navigated the rapids.

This is an alder tree. It is not an evergreen. It had the tiniest pinecone like fruits.

We went back to our campsite for dinner but I was prowling around on the water’s edge most of the evening, hoping to see a moose.

We sat by the crackling fire until bedtime. I made blueberry crumble with muesli and walnuts and sunflower seeds. It was delicious. We finished the evening with blueberry tea laced with maple syrup.

At midnight, the sky was very dark with breathtaking stars.

Saturday morning, Tim did his yoga by the lake and I walked 2 miles on Golden Road. We were in the North Maine Woods. We packed the Jeep and drove to the Hoserace Pond Trailhead. The first half mile was realtively easy. After that, the trail became more challenging with lots of slick, moss-covered rocks and lots of roots and about a dozen stream crossings. A moderately arduous 2 mile (each way) trail…but finally we arrived at the pond.

We rested there and ate protein bars for our breakfast. Too soon, we turned around and went back the way we came.

I really was looking forward to cold watermelon and we feasted when we got back to the Jeep. We had planned to do more exploring but we were tired; the trail kicked our butts. We elected to go back to the RV.

We spent the afternoon, cleaning and organizing and doing laundry. We will move further north tomorrow to Presque Isle.