781 July 18, 2022 Hiking The Falls At Baxter State Park
We got a slow start this morning. We had planned to take a two-day tent camping trip but the weather for tonight calls for 100% chance of rain. We decided to drive to Baxter State Park and do some hiking.

We were dismayed when the ranger at the gate confiscated our firewood. Apparently, no outside wood may be brought into the park. Oh well…lesson learned!

The guy at Wilderness Edge Campground told us to do to Daicey Pond and hike to the falls. We walked on the Appalachian Trail. The portion that we did was only 1.2 miles each way, but it was studded with roots and rocks and the walking was tedious. I am so careful about where I place my feet. I really am not trying to get hurt out in the wilderness. That being said, I still really enjoyed this hike. The woods were cool and for most of the time, there was a nice breeze. We passed few other hikers and we were all by ourselves when we got to Little Niagara. We scrambled over some rocks and then I sat on the granite outcropping and enjoyed the view.

We hiked further to Big Niagara Falls.

Kind of a curious place for a seagull!

Enjoy Tim’s video!
We stopped at Kidney Pond and walked to the edge of the water.

We ate a late picnic lunch.
We stopped at Stump Pond.

We had a beautiful day in this beautiful place! We had a great day hiking!
This evening for dinner, I made Tim his omelet…I owed him one after forgetting the eggs the other night!