Mount Blue State Park

778 July 13, 2022 Mount Blue State Park

I began the day with the chore of doing laundry.  I found a laundromat in town.  I find it easier and quicker to just get all the loads done at once. 

I started washers and then walked around town for the 30 minutes it took to finish.

I went back to the laundromat and switched clothes to the dryers.  I walked a short time but had to return to put more quarters in.  In 1 ½ hours, the clothes and sheets and towels were clean and I had finished my morning walk.

We packed our cooler and drove to Mount Blue State Park. 

The panoramic views were stunning.  We could see the Northern Appalachian Mountains in the distance.

We ate lunch and then hiked the Scenic Trail.  More beautiful vistas!

After hiking, Tim was tired.  There was an Adirondack shelter at the trailhead.  Tim took a nap. 

I sat on the bench in front of the shelter. 

I had great fun watching about 6 nuthatches.  They flitted through the spruce tree gathering insects from the bark.  They also pecked at the wood on the roof of the shelter seeking snacks.  It was extremely hard to get pictures…these little birds are quick!

Some flora.

What a delightful place for a nap and a rest. 

This evening, we went to Sunday River Brewing for dinner.  Tim enjoyed a Jamaican stout and I had some crisp hard cider.  The food was delicious.  We had corn chowder and then brew pub salads. 

Another great day in Bethel.  If we had to be waiting somewhere, this proved to be a great place to stay.  There is still more to see…but tomorrow, we are leaving to get to Bangor for our Friday service appointment.

I have decided that I am fickle.  When we are with the kids, I love it at home.  When we are in the desert, I love the desert.  When we are on the coast, I love the beach.  I am also really loving the lakes and rivers and mountains.  I am so lucky to be a nomad, loving it wherever we stop and stay!

This quote is from Theodore Roosevelt more than 100 years ago.