Being Active

759 March 26, 2022 Being Active

I walked the loop around Isla Blanca and Tim did his yoga and stretching and then he headed to the gym. We try to hold the morning exercise time as sacrosanct. It is so much harder to get it done later in the day. This has become our routine and it works.

We took Tim’s bike and went across the bridge to Port Isabel. We went to find This Little Bike Shop. It was no longer there! Boo!!!

We got groceries and filled our water bottles. We went to the seafood market and bought some more red snapper.

I took my bike for a ride this afternoon and then Tim took my bike for a ride.

We had one more possibility for bike tire repair. Island Native Surf House. We stopped and they had the correct inner tube and they will have Tim’s tire fixed tomorrow morning. YAY!

We went to Berry divine Acai Bowls for our dinner. Acai berries have all kinds of antioxidants and have lots of proven health benefits. We had seen lots of acai bowl places in California and our interest was piqued. Tim chose a Volcano Bowl. His acai was topped with kiwi and strawberries and granola and blueberries and coconut oil. I had a Maui Waui Bowl which was topped with granola and pineapple and cashews and cocoa nibs and bee pollen and honey. The yummy bowls were loaded with fiber and protein and we were satisfied.

We walked to the water’s edge to watch the sunset. It was a quiet day but it was a very good day!