In The Shadow Of The Freeway

751 March 17, 2022 In The Shadow Of The Freeway

After exercise time, we left Tucson. We traveled on 10E to the New Mexico border.

This afternoon, we stopped at a rest area so Tim could nap. Once he had slept, he was ready to go. Today was about driving east and getting the miles done!

In Las Cruces, we stopped for another break. I like this roadrunner sculpture.

We drove into Texas and through El Paso. Again today, it took several phone calls to find a campsite. The place we finally found sits in the shadow of Interstate 10 and Tim swears that as he arrnaged the hookups, he was in the shadow of the passing cars. We are grateful we found a place. We were tired and ready to settle and we really try hard never to drive the RV in the dark.