Mule Mountains

748 March 10-11, 2022 Mule Mountains

My walk on Thursday morning took me past freshly cut alfalfa fields.  The sweet smell was heavenly!  Later in the day neat green bales sat here.

I have been checking on mama owl at least once every day.

We got our workouts and walks and bike rides done early.  Just before lunchtime, the winds kicked up.  The dust was billowing and at times, we couldn’t see the surrounding mountains.  Winds were sustained at 20mph.  We found ways to stay occupied inside!  I did venture out in the evening for a hair appointment.  It is very interesting having different people cut and color my hair…no one does it quite the same as the person before…

Friday morning it was still quite windy.  I walked along the river through the ecological preserve where I was more protected from the gusts. 

We were thinking we might go out overnight but we changed our plans after checking the forecast.   Instead, we took the Jeep to the Mule Mountains.  We traveled along the power line trail.

We went to see the Mule Tank Intaglios, a set of circles in a circular pattern that were probably used by the Chemehuevi and Mojave tribes for ceremonial dancing. 

We continued to wander, looking for a potential campsite for Saturday night.

We found a mine.

We thought that the road we were on might take us all the way around the mountains and back to the main road.  We came to a very rough and rocky section and Tim went out to evaluate.  There was an extremely sharp drop-off and so we turned back the way we had come!

It was a warm and sunny day and driving around and exploring was a great way to spend our time.  The winds didn’t settle until after 2pm.  I am glad we didn’t camp out today and I look forward to tomorrow’s adventure!