Shopping Adventure

740 March 1, 2022 Shopping Adventure

First thing this morning, I was walking along the beach in Marina.

I was walking by the water in the firmer sand, chatting with my mom on the phone, when a rogue wave crashed onto the beach and soaked me from the knees down…drenched shoes and socks and pants. Time to turn back. Everything was caked in sand by the time I walked the mile back to the RV. I met a couple walking the other way. They noticed my wet clothes. They told me that there were rough surf and high wind advisories today. Gotta laugh…always an adventure!

Today we moved again. We traveled just a short distance to Laguna Seca Recreation Area. On the way we passed trhough the very fertile Salinas valley.

This is a huge complex. It is most famous for the race track.

The campground sits on top of a hill. The views are incredible.

This afternoon, I set out for Monterey with the mission of looking at Macy’s for a gown for Kyle and Allison’s wedding. I always feel good when I navigate on my own in a new place. I found a beautiful dress! Remember when you could go to a nice department store and get really good care? I had great customer service from Linda and Cheyenne and they both worked in the luggage department!

I picked up salads from Chipotle and got back to the campground at sunset!