Indio, California

727 February 14-15, 2022 Indio, California

On Monday morning, we completed our morning routines and then after filling with propane, we headed north to Indio.

We stopped for breakfast at a scenic turnout before we left the desert.

We drove along the Salton Sea.

In the Coachella Valley we passed date farms and crops and lots of green. 

We followed the highway through an industrial area.  Ahead of us, we could see snow covered peaks…it seemed crazy because it was 84 degrees in the valley.

Once we arrived in Indio, we worked to gather supplies.  I also spent a good deal of time getting a new phone, mine had died a week ago and we had to wait to get to a bigger town to replace it.

We had Chipotle salads for our Valentine dinner and then enjoyed an evening walk.  This is a very nice park.

On Tuesday, we had an appointment for service for the Jeep.  It didn’t take long and we hoped to be able to hike in the afternoon.  Unfortunately, the Santa Anna winds were blowing hard.  The forecast was for 25-35mph winds with occasional gusts greater than 70mph. It never got that crazy but it was windy and the air was very dusty.  At times, it was difficult to see the surrounding mountains.  Fortunately, we were not traveling today with our big wind sail.  These Santa Anna winds are REAL! We did walk in the campground and did a couple of errands.  The towns of Indio, La Quinta, and Palm Desert are beautiful with lush green lawns, colorful landscaping, golf courses, and shopping.  There are lots of residential communities with Mexican style, stucco homes with terracotta roofs…a retirement paradise!

Tim was able to connect with an old high school friend who lives in San Diego and he enjoyed talking with him on the phone.

We used the day to make appointments and get taxes signed and sent off.