Del Mar, California

718 January 31, 2022 Del Mar, California

After our morning exercises were complete, we packed the Jeep and drove away from Borrego Springs. 

We drove back up and over the mountains and west. 

We stopped for a breakfast break in Ramona.  This is a neat little town that we could have explored further, but today, we had other plans.

We traveled through horse and vineyard country and toward the coast. 

After being ensconced in the desert, the opulence and busyness of the coast was almost an assault on our senses…sensory overload!  Lots of beautiful mansions perched among the rocks and hills.  Lots of greenery and landscaping.  Lots of wealth.

After some quiet time, we walked down to the water’s edge.  The chilly moist air and the smell of the ocean were refreshing and rejuvenating.  Oh, how I love the beach!   

We found ourselves walking on a dog beach…pure unadulterated joy! 

We walked as far as the San Dieguito Lagoon; a river outlet to the sea.

We walked back along the highway, making our way through this beautiful garden, a tribute to “All Dogs.” 

Before going to dinner, we stopped at the Solana Beach CVS. We had called ahead and our prescription was ready. Using this national chain while we have been traveling has been so convenient. Unfortunately, there isn’t a CVS in Borrego Springs…hence the reason for this trip!

We had seen a seafood restaurant, Brigadine, earlier in the day. We returned there this evening and had an excellent meal.

Tomrrow we will go north, further up the coast and see what we see!