Just Us In Sheep Canyon

713 January 24-25, 2022 Just Us In Sheep Canyon

We have become very rigid about getting our workouts done each day before we play.  I took a good walk to town, and back while Tim did his exercise routine.

Around noon, we left for a trip into Sheep Canyon.

We have traveled this road before and we both remembered it as unmaintained and very rocky.  Today, there was a machine operator smoothing the road.  Our journey was therefore more pleasant and a lot quicker!

There were several water crossings.

View of the valley below.

We were happy to get the very best camping spot in this very primitive campground.  The amenities did include a picnic table, a fire ring, a trash can, and a pit toilet!  Fairly luxurious accommodations for a site in the middle of nowhere…and beautiful!!!

A pretty little kindness rock.  I know that some people don’t think they should be left behind…it supposedly detracts from the natural environment and I guess in a way it does…but seeing one always makes me smile!

We took a short hike up into Sheep Canyon along a stream.  It was such a pleasure to listen to the gurgle of the water.  This area is a nursery for bighorn sheep and is closed to all traffic during lambing season.

We had a hummingbird flitting around.

For dinner, we made our traditional omelets but this time I filled them with spinach, goat cheese, bruschetta, and kalamata olives…they might have been the best omelets I have ever made!

It was another relaxing evening.  We were so content to just sit and absorb the peace, the sunset, the fire, the darkness, the starlight, and the crisp, cool air.

In the morning, we had several of these little birds hopping around the table, looking for crumbs. 

They were very comfortable being around us.  I used the bird app to identify them.

We wended our way back across the desert and down toward Borrego Springs. 

We stopped for breakfast along the way.

I decided to walk on ahead and Tim picked me up about 20 minutes later. 

There is plenty of traffic here and we saw this Jeep excursion coming in.  7 Jeeps all traveling together…we would HATE that!  We need to be meandering at our own speed!

It seems as though we always need the remainder of the day to recover.  We unpacked and cleaned everything and then had a quiet afternoon.  Tim did ride his bike and I did make myself walk and do squats.

This evening, we went back to Red Ocotillo for our meal; soup and salads.