Laying Low

712 January 22-23, 2022 Laying Low

Happy Birthday John!

Saturday morning walk in town.  This is an arty kind of place.  Today, I took pictures of the electric boxes as I walked. 

I also got to talk to Lois, a dear friend…always a pleasure!

Saturday afternoon I gathered everything to send to the accountant for our 2021 taxes.  What a relief to have that particular task accomplished…every year I dread it…but it is done!

We enjoyed sweet corn, poblano, and cheese tamales for our dinner with raw cauliflower and those sweet baby tomatoes…vegetarian and yummy!

Sunday, I began my day with a walk in the park.

We took our bikes and did an 8-mile ride.  It was a gorgeous day and a great ride.

The future…

We packed our cooler and headed to Fonts Point.

Sunday dinner was another vegetarian experiment.  Butternut squash risotto with mushrooms and asparagus. Dinner was delicious and the scenery was pretty amazing as well.

We drove to Thimble Wash and climbed to the top of the hill to watch the sky change color.

We are planning an overnight tent camping trip Monday evening in Sheep Canyon.