Getting Settled

708 January 15-16, 2022 Getting Settled

We arrived in Borrego Springs at mid-day on Saturday. We knew we had arrived when we saw the first of the metal sculptures.

The community park was studded with tents and we were hopeful that it was the Farmers Market…but it was a craft show. I wandered through but have not much use for crafts these days.

We spent our afternoon getting settled. We plan to be here for a month.

On Sunday, I walked from the campground all the way to Christmas Circle and around the park and back. It was a great walk. I was able make calls and listen to my book so all was good and the time went quickly! As I passed the gas station, I took this picture…yes…we are definitely in California.

We spent the day shopping for groceries, doing laundry, cleaning and of course since it is Sunday…we watched NFL Wild Card games.

I know that most of you are getting icky weather. It seems rather surreal to us…we have flip flops on and the windows are open! Please be safe and stay warm!

Tomorrow, we are planning to take an overnight Jeep excursion.