Back In The Groove

704 January 7, 2022 Back In The Groove

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 3

We have spent the past couple of days getting back in our routine.  We have filled the fridge and the pantry with lots of healthy fruits and vegetables and chicken and fish; after one too many Christmas treats in Atlanta!  We are almost acclimated to the time change.  It seems like it is easier when we drive as the time difference is more gradual.  We are walking and biking and taking dinner to the park.  We are getting used to “just us” again…it is really quiet without the noise and joys of those small boys!

New memorial along the bike path…

As always, we are grateful for the opportunity to open the windows, to be in the warmth and sunshine…all in January.  We know that most of you are at least chilly…we are sending warm vibes from Arizona!

We have spent a lot of time in Yuma and we are looking forward to moving on soon!