Cycling On The Canal

December 9, 2021

Cycling On The Canal

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 18

We woke up to fog!  There was a dense fog advisory and the humidity was 80%.  This is a rare occurrence here!  It was 54 degrees and I needed a warm sweatshirt for my walk.

Later this morning, we took our bikes and cycled the canal trail.  There was no wind and it was a great ride.  We went seven miles to the end and then headed back. 

At 11.5 miles, I suddenly had a lot of trouble keeping up with Tim.  Then, I heard the thwack, thwack, thwack sound of a flat tire.  I was able to nurse it along for about another mile.  Tim went to get the Jeep while I walked to the nearest intersection for my rescue!

We went to the bike store and had to leave the tire.  They were too busy to help us…hopefully we will get it back tomorrow.  We made a quick run to the grocery store for a few things to get us to Monday.

As I write the blog tonight, it is raining…what an odd weather day! We watched the evening news and the weather guy said there is a frost and freezing temperature warning for the days ahead…we really do NOT like winter!