
December 8, 2021


Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 17

Today, another long walk along the Colorado River.  Today, I chatted with my good friend Vicki while I walked.  It makes the time pass so quickly and makes the walk that much more enjoyable.  It is important to work on maintaining our relationships even from very far away.

This afternoon we worked on gathering paperwork for the sale of our house.  While we waited for revisions, we took a bike ride through the park.  We stopped for a break along the water.

This evening we went to UPS with our settlement package, signed and notarized everything, and sent it off…done with our part.  Our greatest wish is that Kyle and Allison will make all of their dreams come true in the same house where we were blessed to raise our family.

We went to Prison Hill and had yummy salads and great conversation…a beautiful date night.  After our meal, we walked around town. 

We stopped for the first time at City Hall.  Displayed there is a plane that set the world record in 1949 for 48 days aloft.